Sunday, February 28, 2010

How do you sew a volleyball?

I am sitting here wondering how they sew volleyballs together. All the stiches are inside and to get to them you have to turn your volleyball inside out. Which is exactly what I was doing this afternoon. I didn't really want to turn it wrong way out but it wouldn't hold air because it had apparently been impaled on one of the thorn hedges surrounding the house. I found the volleyball while looking into the hedge at what the dog was barking at. I don't think it was the ball he wanted but he was after something.

Normally this wouldn't bother me but the dog had earlier gotten out of the yard when I left the gate open after finding Bev's bike laying in the middle of the driveway. The kids had been riding it (the bike not the dog) and had left it laying out with the front gates wide open. This is typical and would not have concerned me much except that we almost lost two bikes this week.

Last Sunday night somone came into the yard and tried to steal Judy's bike. Not only her bike but also the 70 pound bike rack it was locked to. The thieves carried the rack with the bike 25 yards to the gate and lifted it over the 7 ft high gate out to the street and carried them down to the front gate where it either got too light (the night) or too heavy (the bike and rack). Well JB and Martin found them the next morning still locked together out on the street. But Acol's bike which had also been parked in the rack but had not been locked was gone. I only hope the thieves didn't realize it wasn't locked til after they hoisted it, or would that be heisted it over the fence.

So when I went to get the bike out of the yard with the open gate so it would not be stolen the dog got loose. After chasing him down and carrying him back to the yard I put the bike away. That's when I found the volleyball. I tried to inflate it but it wouldn't hold air. So I went on line to find out how to repair a leaking volleyball. I was assured it is easy to do you just need a leaking ball, a pump and and some ball sealant. Yeah right. Lots of that here in Jinja! Then it occured to me what a strange world Africa is. You can go on line to get info but there is no place to actually buy what is needed when you get the info.

So now I have a gutless, inside out volleyball on my desk. Couldn't find a website to tell me how to sew it back together. I know, I'll just leave the ball out in the yard for the thieves to take. They'll be looking for something lighter this time anyway.


  1. Wonderful blog. I will try and find out for you how a volleyball is made... LOL

  2. Great post!!! Thanks For Sharing..
    Are you fed up from playing with same old type of non-customized Volleyballs? Are you looking for customized Volleyball? It’s all available at just a click: Volleyballs
