Monday, February 8, 2010

A good week makes twelve years.

What makes a good week? Lots of things. I'll tell you a few.
Paper work that works. Our NGO renewal was under consideration by the NGO Board and praise the Lord it was approved! First time it was submitted too! We never get any paper work approved on the first shot but it was. God gave Bev the time and diligence to wade through all the requirements and when ready off she went to submit it all. She had a suitcase full of stuff just in case they wanted one more paper, file, signature, stamp, letterhead or no letter head, handwritten or typed. Bev had a back up for it all and it was accepted. In 2005 it took eight months. Unbelievably this year it was done in ten days.

What time we saved on paperwork we lost at the wedding on Saturday. The wedding at CCJinja was to start at 11:30 so we started working at 7:30 to have the church cleaned and decorated in time. We just had enough time to change and get to the church on time. The groom arrived at 12:00, the first guest by 12:15 and the bride at 1:15. And everyone was surprised she was so early. But the important thing was they got married. And I figure we are still 71/2 months ahead by what we saved in the NGO cert process.

We also got our lease extended for another 99 years (that means we won't be homeless until I'm 1555 years old). This has been a fun experience as we went to a District Land Board meeting Friday. That started two hours late. Then went to town hall today to get the papers with the instruction to take the file to the Assessor whose office is right across the street from us. So I went to see Martin the Assessor who told me to see the Lands Officer. I got in to see her in 20 minutes and told her Martin had sent me. She told me "Let Martin come" meaning you go get him and bring him here. So I yanked Martin from a meeting that he wasn't leaving until I mentioned the Lands Officer wanted to see him. At her office she asked why he was dealing with me not her and he said I had gone to the wrong office and he had not been dealing with me. So they agreed the best idea was to send me to the clerks office to get the whole file. So I went. After a 45 minute search she remembered that the nice young man Ryan had been in 10 days earlier and that the file had been taken to the Lands Officer and was on her desk (the file that is not Ryan). I asked if I should go tell her that and the clerk said "Oh no! If you do she'll never speak to you again. You come back tomorrow." I asked her if she would go and she said, "Oh no! She'll never speak to me again. You just wait." Ten minutes later an office boy came and was sent to get the file. He did and brought it to the clerk who gave it to me and said, "take it to the Lands Officer." The Lands Officer then sent me to the clerk who sent me back to Martin who took me back to the clerk to have her fill in the lease offer form. She told me " I told you to come back tomorrow." Then she informed me that she needed six copies to fill out and that I must go make the copies. I left and arrived back home only an hour late for a pre-marital counseling session. I go back to the clerk tomorrow! But hey I'm still at least seven months ahead so maybe I'll take an extra day off this month. Got to spend time while you have time.

I did get to teach at Kirinya Staff Church and Main and Remand prisons which was good since Friday was Bev's and my 12 year anniversay of living in Uganda and here I was doing the exact thing Sunday that I did twelve years ago.

All in all its been a good week. A good twelve years for that matter.

Thank you Jesus for letting me be here with my sense of humor still intact.

1 comment:

  1. I literally laughed out loud. Please let us know how it ends!
