Monday, April 22, 2013

The Red Eyed Monster

Ahem, that red eyed monster would be me. Or that would be me with jet lag. What else would get someone out of bed at 3:00 am when that very person just wants to sleep? That's right the international, trans-time-zonal afflicter of sleeplessness, jet lag.

My eyes are red, and puffy and I don't look good today. And there is good reason why this is happening. It is not noon as my body insists it is.  It is early morning and I should be asleep but no, I am up wondering why I am up.

I have to admit that there is an element of divine retribution. Many visitors to Jinja arrive in the same kind of condition that I am in. Unfortunately for them if they arrive on a Wednesday it means they will attend evening Bible study and I see them struggle to stay awake but they just can't do it. I get a laugh watching their faces contort trying not to yawn and I chuckle when their faces slowly slide into a vacant expression that can only indicate peaceful, bliss filled rest. And then I ask a question watching heads snap back as they try to appear awake but it is no use. They are out. The lights are on but nobody is home!

 I  understand their problem better now. 

Once, having come back to the USA with a massive head cold and jet lag, the friends we were staying with took us to their favorite restaurant. I was wearing an old baggy gray sweater that had grease stains all over it, (it was the only warm clothing I had) and I got up to go to the rest room. Two little old ladies were just coming out of the women's side. They saw me, gasped, grabbed one another and backpedaled into the ladies room. I thought, "My that was strange." Normally I don't have that effect on little old ladies. I wondered what was up with them.  I hadn't considered my looks as a factor. But peering into the mirror I saw just how bad I looked. Going back to my table I had to pass these two again. I decided to apologize for frightening them. Of course I didn't look any better and because of the massive head and chest cold when I spoke all than came out was a low raspy noise which sounded like Clint Eastwood saying, "Do you feel lucky? Do ya, punk?" and a cat fighting with a chainsaw. Their eyes grew wide with fear and they literally ran from the diner.

Telling Bev what had happened she told me that I should probably save all greetings and subsequent apologies until after I had shaved, combed my hair and my eyes had least some white return to them. A very wise woman, she is.

Now I just have to go wake her up and ask her for more advice. On second thought maybe I'll wait til morning.

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