Tuesday, July 31, 2012

You Are The God Who Protects Us

I thank you Father for protecting Bev's life and the lives of our staff today.

Bev could have died when that gunshot shattered her window but You made the bullet divert through the roof of the car.

Steven or Davis or Rogers or Joseph could have been shot and killed when they chased the robbers but You made them miss and none of us got shot.

Thank you Lord for putting such a bond of love between us that my brothers would chase down two armed robbers in a dense banana plantation and capturing one because they had tried to harm Bev.

God you are so good to us that we cannot say thank you enough.

Lord thank you for giving me more time with my wife.

You indeed are the God who saves. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  1. Jesse, I am so glad that you, Bev and your Ugandan brothers are all Ok. Wow! Praise the Lord who is our shield around us. Thank you Lord for protecting Bev. Thank you Lord for protecting Jesse and everyone who came to help. Father I ask that you bring peace to their hearts.

  2. Bev and Jess, we are all thankful for the hand of God upon you ALL and for the tremendous bravery shown by so many people that day. Praying for your rest, your peace, and for Bev's safety as she undergoes surgery today. We love you.
