Monday, July 23, 2012

Building a Souler Heater

I've been sick for a week now, maybe malaria, maybe something else but it is annoying me! I've got a project to build. A solar water heater.

With a design finally in place and a plan duct taped together, I am ready to go. But if I had tried to build it this past week I would have botched it. Fortunately as the illness delayed my start I began to see some design flaws. Places where I had cut corners or didn't consider what the design would lead to. So back to the drawing board.

As an avid Do-it-yourselfer I enjoy my time planning projects but invariably when I think I know better than the experts I doom the project to either failure or very limited success. So this period of reconsidering and redrawing plans is beneficial but frustrating. I want to get the heater right the first time but I don't always want to take the proper steps.

My desk is covered with ideas about things I want to build but don't take the time to get all the information I need. (I was going to include a picture of my desk but adding a picture to my blog is too technical for me.) I tend to get excited about a project for awhile then as it proves more difficult than I imagined, I lose my enthusiasm and many times the project dies in a heap of paper on my desk.

But then I realized today that this is the story of my life. Not my physical life but my spiritual life. I read in God's word about what I can be and what God wants me to be and I get excited. I jump with both feet into a new commitment to improve a weak spiritual area in my life. Only to realize that it was not a simple as I thought.

I start to cut corners and neglect to heed all of God's word. I look for the quick easy solution rather than going by the expert design and plans of my Creator. I start to think I can improve on the design of my life by doing-it-myself. But it doesn't get better only worse. But if I slow down and go back to His design I learn how to build my life, when to change my life, where to live my life and why God has given me this life.

And as I am learning to slow down I am learning to meditate more on what Jesus is doing in my life. I look to and for Him more. Then I start to feel the warmth of His love for me. That is the souler heater I really need!

1 comment:

  1. This hit the my heart that needed to be touched and reassured. God bless you.
