Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Newton and Ministry

I've been reading a biography of Newton, John not Isaac. John Newton is the man who wrote "Amazing Grace", Isaac wrote about "amazing gravity".

John Newton had gone to Africa to be a slave trader and became a slave to the man who was supposed to be his partner. For the better part of 18 months he was chained to a shallow riverboat and fed scraps to eat. It was only by God's grace, shown through other slaves who gave him food secretly that he survived. When he was freed he headed back to England and during a severe storm that was breaking up the ship he had a conversion experience. Nineteen years later he wrote "Amazing Grace". But He continued in the slave trade for six more years as a slave ship captain. Then became a pastor in the Church of England.

I am astounded by the idea that after being a slave himself he continued in the work of the slave trade. My mind says "How could he?" But at the time slavery was a part of normal society. God was indeed changing Newton's life but sometimes He brings slow changes that take time to fully develop in us to be the people He wants us to be. Newton had to see and understand the glory and righteousness of God more fully before God used him to help abolish the slave trade.

Many of us follow Christ but then get right back into the sinful mess we had left, just like John Newton. We don't see the evils in our society because God has to show us His righteousness first so we can see the unrighteousness of the world. But we can never stop seeking His righteousness. And He will never stop turning our hearts to him.

What is it we allow today that 100 years from now will be condemned by the Holy One? What are we blinded by in our world that we are content with but our grandkids will condemn. Brideprice? Immorality? Corruption? Is it the sinful things we allow into our homes as entertainment? What will we look back on at the end of all things and say, "Why didn't I see how this looks to God? How could I have not known this offended our Lord?"

Are we too comfortable with this world so that we cannot change it? Are we too content with the status quo to speak against or even see the evil that is there?

I pray that Jesus lets us see what is offensive to the Father in our world today by showing us what real righteousness is. The apostle Phillip said "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." To which Jesus replied,"Don't you know me, Phillip even after I have been among you such a long time." Let us know Jesus so well that we know what breaks our Father's heart. Let us put an end to those things. Let us be ahead of our time by knowing the eternal God.

1 comment:

  1. Jesse, I join in your prayer - for myself and for all of us.
