Monday, March 29, 2010

Highlights of the week and the wave

Please check this location next week for more highlights!

What do you say when you can't remember the past week? We had a visit from Denny which was great but as always too short. Denny always brings a lot of wisdom with him so I enjoy the opportunity to sit and visit (or whine) for a while. Denny is very patient and lets me go on and on for as long as it takes or 15 minutes, whichever comes first. It is nice to bounce ideas off someone not always on site to get perspective. Its kind of like wearing someone elses glasses and taking infield practice. You think you see the ball clearly but then it hits you right between the eyes. Anyway, thanks Denny!

Jordan has also come out from New Mexico. Great guy from what I can see! (no I'm not still wearing Denny's glasses) He'll be working a while in Moroto with Noah helping run some Proclaimer listening groups. The Proclaimer is a solar/handcrank/electric gadget from Faith Comes by Hearing/Hosanna that has the bible prerecorded in Karamijong. Listening groups are set up in various trading centers so an oral society can listen to God's word in their native tongue. Works really well. Just have to have people monitoring the groups and answering questions. Jordan stayed with us last week but went to Moroto(he arrived safely) today.

Had a wonderful Wednesday evening Bible Study 1 Thessalonians 2.

JB and I finished teaching church history Thursday and Steven is now teaching Apologetics. With the exception of last year's class this has been the most interested class for Church History.

Thursday I was down with malaria but we had a good elders' meeting anyway.

On Friday Jordan, Pastor Apollo and I went to Tororo to conduct business. Selling a piece of land where a church once was. The church was shut down due to the lack of a pastor. What was supposed to take two hours took eight and on the way home the truck's alternator died. So we were racing to beat the darkness back to Jinja so we wouldn't have to use headlights which, minus the charging system, were dim at best. We almost made it but the darkness caught us about 15 minutes from home. So we groped our way home (Hey, lots of trucks here don't have lights at all) and dealt with the beast the next day. I wish I could say we buried it on a nice hillside overlooking a freeway. But no! We fixed it and it lives on. Actually I love that truck. But then I love root canals too. And like my teeth I just get one fixed and another one goes bad, so we get one thing fixed on the truck and something else goes out.

Saturday was sermon prep day and Sunday was delivery day. The radio program would have been better except for the medicine. I don't take my 6:00 am meds until after the 6:30-7:00 program or else I fall asleep in the middle of the program. Not a problem if you are listening but a big problem when you're the one speaking! Well not only did I not take the morning meds but I was so tired the night before that I forgot to take my bedtime meds. So as I'm trying to teach on the radio my hand is shaking so much I look like a waving Rose Bowl Parade queen (elbow-elbow, wrist-wrist) after an all nighter at Starbucks with her hand caught in a paint shaker. It got so bad that I had to sit on my hands and then almost threw myself out of the chair twice! Other than being laughed at by the radio man because my voice was shaking as fast as my hand, it went well. And that middle part I don't remember it much.

But it really was a good week and the Kajjansi Women's Conference was a great blessing. Bev, Jo, and our 5 Ugandan staff ladies, all teaching and sharing. But two days without Bev is too much! Next time I'll go too. Now that I've got the wave down.

1 comment:

  1. Jesse, Thank you for the visual to go with your radio program, for brightening my day and making me laugh...out loud! :o)
