Sunday, March 17, 2013

How Long Does It Take To Do Nothing?

 Bev was gone for two days with all the women staff teaching a women's seminar at one of the village churches.  So being a caring husband with nothing to do I thought I would clean the house for her. But where to start? I decided to start with my desk. It is visible from every part of the house. That is, when it is visible. As of late it has been MIA (missing in action) or MUP (missing under paperwork).

Now finding my desk was easy, I just backtracked the computer wires from the wall socket to the large pile of paper in the corner of the room. Sure enough there was a desk under the mound of paper.  Realizing I needed a bigger trash can I left the desk and went to the back yard. Turning off the light reminded me that it needed a new bulb. So I put the cleaning project on hold for 15 minutes. Setting the step stool in place I removed the globe and bulb but the socket itself came out in pieces. This is to be expected since Uganda is the dumping ground for every cheap electrical, plumbing or automotive part in the world. I wisely keep spares on the "shelf".

Other homes have the junk drawer, we have the "shelf". It is like the junk drawer but much larger and more disorganized.  35 minutes after my search began I found the spare socket. Of course the shelf was cleaner by the time I found what I was looking for. Now back to the light. Elasped time since the start: 55 minutes.

Removing the two screws that hold the lamp fixture in place I discovered that the the fixture can't be removed since the mason had plastered it in place. So back to the shelf to get more tools then find a real ladder. I spent the next hour chipping and scraping away plaster so the fixture could come out. Then comes the discovery that even though the old and new parts were from the same company and bought at the same time from the same little guy at the market they are completely different. So now begins the modification process to make the new part fit. This process takes another hour. This isn't going as easily as expected. 2:45 into the desk cleaning/light bulb changing project, I have not finished one task yet.

Finally with the light fixture repaired and in place I go back to the shelf to get a caulking gun to seal up the edge of the fixture. This must be done to keep out the geckos. Unfortunately the caulking gun explodes as I am testing it in the kitchen. Now with caulk everywhere I have to clean the kitchen but since my hands are covered with caulk I decide to wait because it would not be good for me to ruin Bev's kitchen towels with caulk while cleaning my desk. That of course is not quite the way it happened but that is how it would sound. 

So going back to the light, I finally get it all sealed up and working. Elapsed time 4:30. Then I clean the kitchen. If I am going to clean the kitchen I might as well do it right. So it is no surprise that ninety minutes later George finds me cleaning tomato sauce spots off the faces of friends whose pictures are hung on the refrigerator a little too close to the stove. I guess I will have to get new pictures since some of the faces now look like they are suffering from leprosy. Perhaps new pictures will replace the visual in my head of dear ones without noses and chins.

After explaining to George how my morning and early afternoon went I get back to my desk and finish cleaning it. It is now 3:30pm. Eight hours and fifteen minutes after starting. The desk is clean, the kitchen is clean, the light in back of the house works.
If I could only find where I put the trash can it would be a perfect day of doing nothing.


  1. I'm with you, pal! I criss-cross this property turning on and off water controls, picking up a tool that should have been put away weeks ago, on my way to getting a saw and trimmer to blaze a path to the chicken house, only to learn that they are out of feed, but that's back somewhere else, but before that, I'll collect the eggs and make a mental note about cleaning the droppings and repairing the roosting rack, tomorrow, ... or not.
    Yes, my desk is becoming buried too. Same thing, just different. :)
    Nate Cary

  2. What a wonderful blog! Loved every second of it.
