Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rebuilding Time... No Worries

There is a time for everything Solomon wrote and one time is a time to build. But now we are in rebuilding time.

First rebuilding is the ministry here at the church in Jinja. JB left at the end of February and Moro Steven took over his pastor's duties. Teaching on Sundays and being the lead conselor and pastor. I was worried how Steven would handle the new responsibilities. Jesus told us not to worry and He was right. God has been answering our prayers by equipping Steven with wisdom and a desire to minister that I had not seen before. Perhaps these things had always been there but had no place to be used but now that God has told him to lead, Steven is doing so. It is so obvious a work of the Holy Spirit empowering him that I can't contain my excitement.

The other area of rebuilding is our clinic in Ogongora. We have hired an R.N. Jonathan who has a real heart to meet the health needs of the community. And as a born again christian he is helping to meet the spiritual needs of his patients as well. We also hired a Laboratory Assistant, Vicky. Only problem with her is that the microscope for the clinic was broken. But it is fixed now and will be delivered next week. With lab services available again the clinic should really start to grow.

But the clinic needs new ceilings as the old ones have literally collapsed. Time to rebuild them. As I was worrying how this would get done God was already bringing together a team from Colorado to rebuild the entire roof and ceilings. They are due to arrive in ten days and get the buildings back into shape. God is providing the funds for the project from various directions so again I need not worry.

The final rebuild is Bev and I. As things change here we are being led to spend more time in outreach. After our team's trip to Pajule the church body is excited to reach out further. Our "Outside The Walls" evangelism ministry is just taking shape but we are hoping to lead teams from CCJinja to our village church plants for 3-5 day evangelism programs. This would follow along the same lines as our Pajule trip. The ministry will also focus on various evangelistic outreaches in Jinja town. We already have 30 people signed up to participate.

I'm looking forward to what God has in store for all of us. Rebuilding Time! No worries!

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