Thursday, July 22, 2010

Living with the Giants

Living with the Giants. Warren Wiersbe wrote a book by that name. The book is filled with short biographies of spiritual giants of the Christian faith. It is an interesting read. Men who have had an impact on the world around them by their preaching. But it causes to think about my life and the giants in it.

On this trip to America I have been blessed to spend time with some of my personal giants. These are men who have mentored or taught or encouraged me in my walk with Jesus. It seems that most of my early mentors live in Denver now so my first days back were incredible as I got to get together with them and be refreshed.

Now I'm in Leadville and God again has me among giants. Guys that I personally answer to. Next week Bev and I will be going to Albuquerque. More giants! I have been so blessed to have all these men, some pastors and some not, who have taken their time and encouraged me to press on toward the goal to which God has called me.

I share all this realizing that at the same time my giants are helping me, I should and must be doing the same for others. We all should. While we may not feel like giants of the faith we can have that kind of impact on friends, family, believers and the world. The hall of fame of faith in Hebrews 11 is filled with regular people who became giants to the nation of Israel just by being obedient to God. You may never know in whose eyes you may be a giant but people are watching us. Following our example, needing our advice, our guidance and our love. It is a gigantic task God asks of small average people. But if we live lives bigger than ourselves (our imperfections, our pettyness, our jealousies, our self doubts and all those other things we wish weren't there) which show the enormous power and size of God whom we serve and follow, our Father will be glorified.

If we live with the giants let us live like giants. Ever notice that a true giant is humble not proud, serves without demanding to be served. Honors without seeking honors. When the young man David faced what others thought to be a giant, Goliath who was proud and self reliant, he showed the others that to be a true giant you just have to trust God for His glory.

The seeds of the Ponderosa pine, the largest variety of pine tree, don't open until a fire burns the forest and the old growth is gone. From the ashes new Ponderosa pines grow to become giants of the forest. A new generation of giants. Those former giants that Wiersbe wrote about need to be replaced. Will you be a new giant for those around you and for the next generation?


  1. Great post Jess - so glad to have you guys around for a bit!

  2. yep this is one of the best i ve read of all ur posts sir,............
    and u know u influenced my life like a real giant

    "Will you be a new giant for those around you and for the next generation?"
    Thanks for Praying for me....
