Sunday, August 19, 2012

An African Passover

Friday at 3:00pm, right during the  height of the Be Disciples youth conference, the storm hit. It took us all by surprise to say the least. It had been raining a little bit here but it seemed like the rainy season was about over. A couple of days of sun and heat had lulled us into a false sense of meteorological peace and security.

With 260 youth on the compound all having a blessed time of learning and fellowship,who had time to look up? Then it started to drizzle. 90 seconds later the rain came for real. I hoped it would stop quickly but the storm had different plans. It rained even harder  Then we remembered the tent.

Our tent is an 80' by 20' tarp that has relatively few holes in it so it is worth saving. But without holes it has no way to release the water. I decided I'd better check. As was feared the tent had begun to resemble an above ground pool only this one was literally three to four feet above the ground.  Since poking holes to let it drain was not an option, Faisal and I tried to lift the tent upwards to drain the water off the sides.

Now I admit sometimes I'm not too bright and this was one of those times. Two hundred gallons of water weighs approximately the same as an early model Volkswagon bug fully loaded with twenty high schoolers of your choice. Pushing didn't work since we had to push it up about four feet.. The ropes would have to be untied. Only problem is you can't be under the tent to untie it. So out in the rain we go. The rain is coming harder, the water is getting heavier and the tent is hanging lower but we finally got it done. Faisal and I even managed to avoid being swept away in the flood from the now collapsing tent! People wonder why I don't go white water rafting. Why should I when the same amount of terror is right here at home?

But the cool part is the African Passover. The winds were really howling during all this. We lost two trees on the compound and many in the neighborhood. The next day Patrick and Robert came and told me how it was just like we had read Wednesday night at bible study. Asking how, they said it was just like the Pasover. God protected  his people in His house and His people's houses. Apparently the wind tore the roofs off the houses next to the ones the church  rebuilt and the roof off the Ministry of Works building across the street. My friends were excited to tell the story of how God had spared them by passing over their houses.. All I could say was "Amen" to that!

I do have to admit I'm not sure what to expect this week. It is Exodus 13-15 the parting of the Red Sea  it should be very exciting and hopefully drier!

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