Monday, April 2, 2012

How long is too long to wait?

Well the bus ride was smooth enough. The nice thing about the buses here is that the seat backs are so high you can't see over them.This is good in that there are so many bus crashes that you really don't want to know what is coming at you. I had a window seat but still couldn't see anything ahead. But apparently the young girl next to me could from her aisle seat. The driver would start by rapidly blowing the horn then the girl would stiffen, grip the seat back in front of her let out a gasp and bury her head in her arm. I of course would start to pray and continue until the horn or gasping stopped. I admit that it was not the best way to travel but I enjoyed the time with the Lord and He got us safely to Jinja.

I wish I could say the same thing about the car. I arrived back in Jinja one week ago but the Landcruiser is still sleeping in Mbale. I talk to it and the mechanic every day. Neither has much to say. But I still hope that the Prado will return.

Today Bev, Kelli and I took a day of and went shooooopppppinggg in Kampala. It wasn't that long but just seemed it. Actually I am joking as we had a great time and made it back before dark. Now if only our car would come home.

But all in all a week to be without a car is not too long. We recently got back a vehicle that had been in the shop for 4 1/2 years. No misprint there! Years! It was like a long lost family member coming home. Of course it has broken down three times since we got it back but it's like having you worst relative visit. When they first arrive you realize how much you like them and miss them then problems arise and you get a little tired of dealing with their problems. But when all is said and done you are happy that you welcomed them back. That's the way it is with the blue car.

I wonder if Jesus has ever felt that way about us? No He has not! He died for us on the cross knowing full well what problem children we might later be. But He also knew that without His death we would have even greater problems. Eternal condemnation and no hope of changing this life for a better more righteous one. And He fixes what is wrong in our lives. He does not trade us in like a used car painted yellow with lemon written all over it. He takes the time to lovingly fine tune me and repair my body and make me whole, holy and pleasing in His sight.

1 comment:

  1. I just love your blogs, every word comes from your heart. I'm still laughing about the 4 1/2 years, my goodness I never met that family member yet. You are right about the Lord fine tuning us all because I am prime example of that and I Praise Him every day for it. Keep those blogs coming.
