Back when Bev and I were studying Spanish my favorite phrase was "Como se dice?" It means "How do you say?"
As I sit here on Boxing Day, one of eighteen official Uganda holidays, como se dice come to mind.
I have had an incredible month. Going to court, teaching School of Ministry. teaching Revelation at Wednesday night bible study, filling in for Kelli as the youth group leader and working with all the kids and adults on the Christmas program.
How do you say to God just how great a blessing is life in Christ? Jesus has guided and carried me through some difficult moments in a corrupt court to where I have come out smiling. Not because justice was served but because He is Lord!
How do you say to a group of young men what a privilege it is to teach them the Word of God and see them gain insight far beyond what they were taught in class?
How do you say to the youth how much fun it is to be with them and see their enthusiasm to become who Jesus wants them to be?
How do you say how proud you are of the singers, actors, dancers and drummers who gave up four hours every day for the last month to bring the joy and good news of Jesus Christ to men and women in prison? These kids all know loneliness and isolation because they are orphans, abandoned or HIV victims. The adults have felt the pain of losing children to sickness and they help these kids by giving their hearts to them.
The joy that Christmas brings is not found in traditions that bring comfort to heavy hearts that long to relive their past to find peace and see lost family again.
No, to me the joy of Christmas is found in the heart of Jesus who teaches us to love those in the present celebration. Making hearts light with new faces and opportunities to rejoice in Him.
I pray your Christmas was a blessed one, knowing Jesus fully today with the expectation of knowing Him even better tomorrow!
Como se dice Merry Christmas? Feliz Navidad. Jesus te ama!