Monday, April 5, 2010

What a weekend and what is that smell?

What a fantastic weekend we had here at Calvary Chapel Jinja. The services were a blessing for all who came.

The staff set up the tent in record time on Friday. The Good Friday service was blessed with a rainbow. And the tent came down in record time that night when we got 2" of rain in an hour.

Sunday Services were combined into one and with the newly re-erected tent in a new record time everybody fit! Ryan led 40 minutes of worship JB taught on the meaning, necessity and value for us of Jesus' resurrection. Then the cross decorating was another 20 minutes of praise and the cross that symbolized death was transformed into an instrument that brings life. Only Jesus can do that so we praised Him.

The School of Ministry students really showed their servant hearts by setting up and taking down the tent twice, ushering for the service, helping out the Sunday school and serving communion. I'm going to miss this group when they graduate Saturday. But their churches will be extremely blessed.

As I write this I started to wonder what that smell was. If you've never been to Jinja it is hard to describe the cornucopia of scents that assault the nose. One minute it is the tannery, the next the fish packing plant and the next sewer ponds. All convieniently located side by side to one another and a stone's throw from the church and our house. But this was different - it was really ripe! Nonchalantly checking that it wasn't me, I started to investigate where this fragrance was coming from. It was strangely familiar and seemed to be coming from the bookcase next to my desk.

So I grabbed a torch (flashlight to those outside of Africa)and started into the hunt. Good thing is I am uniquely suited for this investigation as P.D.(Parking Zones disease) tends to greatly diminish your ability to smell (I can stink as bad as others but just don't know it) as well as your ability to parallel park. So the search doesn't take long as I move a small box and the stench gets much worse. Now I wish I had a real flaming torch so I can burn down the bookcase rather than continue but Bev doesn't allow me to consider that option. With a gentle nudge and a sweetly whispered, "Get back in there you coward." That's what I thought I heard. She says her statement was "Going back in there? You're wierd." Any way I dive into the dark recesses of the cubby space next to my desk. Then I remember what the smell is. It's a dead mouse! My mind quickly reverts back to five years earlier when a mouse died under the fridge. I was elected for the task of mouse hunter that time too. (funny how my vote doesn't count in these situations). But the question at hand is how long can I hold my breath? Apparently it has to be longer than eight seconds as my next breath just about does me in but I am successful and the mouse is finally removed. Now the question is "How many scented candles will it take to erase the odor and how many years to erase the memory?"

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmm, so, you know that mouse that died under the fridge five years ago? Well, that mouse may have accidentally gotten smacked with a flip flop to protect Ryan the night before. I mean, it's possible that it could have happened that way. Or he could have died of old age...or had some bad mango...
